APA Style

The main format


The APA style of the American Psychological Association is often used to cite sources in the social sciences. . This resource has been revised in accordance with version 6 of the APA Handbook. Provides examples for the overall APA research format of articles, text citations, dissertations / footnotes, and reference pages. For more information, please see the American Psychological Association Publishing Guide.

For a one-sided comparison of the three most commonly used citation styles, including diagram a of all APA documented guidelines, see the documented style diagram.

General APA Instructions

General APA Instructions Your paper should be typed on standard paper (8.5 * 11 ") with double spacing with 1" margin on all sides. You should use clear font that is very readable. Recommends using the 12 Times New Roman font with the header at the top of each page. Create a tab header, drag the page numbers to the right. Then type "title" in the tab, use uppercase letters on the left.The title of the short version of your article title can not be more than 50 characters with spaces and punctuation.

The main part of the article

Your article should consist of four main sections: title page, abstract, main, and references.

Title page

The title page should contain the title of the article, the name of the author and the main interface. With the header on the left (described above), place the page number on the top right of the page. Please note that on the title page, your page title should look like this:

Title: The title of your article

Pages after the title page should have a similar heading

The title of your article

Type your title in uppercase and lowercase letters at the top half of the page. EPA recommends that the title be a maximum of 12 words and should not contain abbreviations or words that are of no use. Your title may be one or two lines, all the text on the title page and the length of your article should be two spaces.

Under the title, author name: type first name, middle middle (s) and last name. Do not use (Dr) or (PhD) in the titles.

Under the author's name, type the main interface, which should indicate the location where the author (s) conducted the research.


Start a new page Your summary page should include the page title (explained above). In the first line of the summary page, place the word "summary" in the center. (No formatted letters, italics, hyphens, or quotation marks)

Start from the next line, write a brief summary of the key points of your research. (Do not repeat.) Your summary should at least include the research topic, questions, participants, methods, results, data analysis, and conclusions. You may also want to talk about the possible consequences of your research and future work with which you are involved. Your summary should be a single paragraph, twice as long, and between 150 and 250 words

You can also summarize your keyword list from the article. . To do this, go back. If you start a new parameter, type the keywords (classic) and then write the keyword list. . Your list of keywords helps researchers find your work in databases. You can find a sample summary of P-Style below.

Sample Abstract